Thursday, July 29, 2021

How To Create A Successful Entertainment Blog

 Are you looking for how to create a successful entertainment blog, or you know to set it up but you are thing it’s very hard to become successful on it.

Don’t worry we got to fix that issue now, Because with an entertainment blog you can do a lot of thing, An entertainment blog is no only a blog but it’s a platform you can use to do a lot of things. For example with an entertainment blog, you can build your own fans, launch your own media house.

But before we start, I want to tell you what an entertainment blog is, so that you will fully understand what you are about to to start or set up. So let get started.


An entertainment blog is a discussion or informational blog where you discus about news, movies, music, gist, TV show, and lot more. An entertainment has so many blog topics attach with such like news, music, comedy, etc. depending on the one you chose or the one you can easily write about.

Fact about entertainment blog

In Nigeria to entertainment is one of the most visited site in Nigeria, with this niche you have 99% opportunity to get a lot or visitors in your site if only you follow the right way. There are many competitors on the topic especially here in Nigeria and also we still have some of the top entertainment site here that you can use as driving force to be like them. Examples of those top Nigeria entertainments are, TooXclusive, Naijaloaded, etc. so to become successful like them you have to work very hard and also follow the rules of blogging.

What you need to set up an entertainment blog

A business mindset

A good computer laptop or a smart phone.

A niche


A domain name

Build Social media Platforms

grow Your Platform

Create a great content

Promote your blog

So now I want to enter the main topic of today on how to create a successful entertainment blog, I will explain what I listed one after the other you will full understand what I mean.

The first thing you’ll need is a business mindset.

So you need to ask yourself “I’m I good for this business? I’m I in here for the long run or do I want to make a business out of this? With a business mindset in place you can then come out with a business plan that will include your brand description, blogging goals, and strategies to run the business. After this you can started on setting up your entertainment website.

A niche

Here is the next thing you’ll have to consider after setting up your business plan is the niche.

A niche is something like a broad topical area folks would love to write about.

When it comes to entertainment blogging, so many people go into different areas of entertainment without focusing on a specific area.

It’s very important you set up your niche before getting started because when you do that, you’ll streamline your blog to a particular area of interest and this further gives you a particular set of readers over time.

So you can decide for instance to focus on entertainment news, gossips, music, etc.

Doing this streamlines the process for you. Helping you Focus on a certain kind of readers with a particular interest.

In the long run, you can target a set kind of advertisers when you want to advertise on the blog

A domain name

As an entertainment blogger, your domain name is what people will use to access your blog on the internet.

It could be any name you’d want to call it. Most blogger here in Nigeria prefer calling the blog name with what they are going to do with the blog and also adding their country name on it.

So if i wanted to blog for instance, I’d call it, or all that sorter thing.

Some blogger do call their blog with their name. Well, it’s not wrong to call your blog by your name. But what if you want to sell the blog after sometime?

There is also other person who has been able to call their blog specific names that depicts their target niche.

Like,, etc.

With names like that any new reader will immediately understand the niche that your blog is focusing on.

Also it can help the owners of such blog a lot when it comes to search engine optimization.

So you’ll have to choose both a domain name that reflects your entertainment blogging niche and your business goals as a digital entertainment media.


After setting up your domain name, head over to a reliable web hosting company like trushost, royhost. Choose a web hosting plan that reflects your blogging goals and then head over to setting up your blog.

PS: Besides truehost or royhost, you can host your blog with any web hosting company of your choice. Although those are the web hosting company i recommend a lot because i host most of the blogs and websites i design with them.

Alright So after choosing your web hosting plan and the web hosting, head over and choose a blogging platform.

There are so many blogging platforms to start up your entertainment blog. But the number one blogging platform is WordPress.

According to research, half of the blogs on the internet is powered by WordPress, the world’s leading blogging software. So that’s always my best recommendations for bloggers.

You can set up your blog on WordPress and start blogging right away, if you understand the technicalities involved.

Or you can contact a WordPress expert like me and I’ll get your blog designed, set up and train you on blogging so that you’ll get started and achieve your blogging dreams without wasting time.

Build Social media Platforms

Having a solid social media channel helps a lot in building up an audience for your entertainment blog.

And right now especially when it comes to the entertainment niche, so many of your readers are definitely going to be on the social media so you’ll need a good strategy to key into this audience.

The first step you’ll take towards growing a social media platform is building the platform in the first place.

So you go ahead choose at least the first three Social Media Platforms for your blog. It could be the popular facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.

After that, edit the Social Media page. Make it “on brand” and then go about adding friends.

On a facebook page for instance, you can start with your friends. Invite them to like your page.

Before inviting your friends over, be sure to have updated the page details together with some write ups on the page. Stuff that relates to your niche. And also make sure to update your facebook page with new thing every to keep the page or group active.

After that go ahead, invite people to like your facebook page. You can also promote the page via facebook ads and other freebies or facebook contests where possible.

The same strategies can be repeated for the other social media platforms and tweaked where necessary to suit with the particular platform.

Create Content in Different formats

Research suggests that people are entertained in different ways. Some part of your audience could be entertained visually, some through audiovisuals and some just by reading your content.

As a smart blogger, you already understand that Entertainment Blogging is not all about written content so you don’t want to focus entirely on creating written content alone.

You want to also create diversity by creating both videos and audio content as it appeals to your audience.

Considering that video content is recently getting popularity, if possible, work on creating a mix of videos for your entertainment blog. You can host these videos on your YouTube channel and link back to your blog.

Also, where your entertainment blog can work with audio podcast, build a podcast around it.

What you’re doing with a diversified content is to keep your audience on your blog, no matter what blogging format appeals to them.

So if a particular section of your audience prefers Video Content, they can always find it there. Same goes for written and audio content.

grow Your Platform

After setting up your entertainment blog, the next thing you want to do is build up and grow the blog.

The following are steps you can use to grow your entertainment blog

Create Great Content                 

So after setting up your blog, to grow the blog effectively, you’ll want to go about creating great content for your entertainment website.

The best way to go about this is to first of all, create a content strategy.

Your content strategy should reflect the kind of posts you want to be updating on your entertainment blog, based on the particular niche you’re blogging on.

It should also be streamlined to meet a particular posting timeline. For instance, you may decide to be writing entertainment news articles 3 times in a day, or once in every single day. Be sure you stick to a clear schedule that can be followed through.

Also, indicate the different categories of entertainment stuff you’re writing about. If it’s entertainment news for instance, there are different aspects to it. Indicate when and how often you’ll be writing about that in your content strategy.

Follow the content writing schedule as much as you can.

It will help your readers. And when your entertainment blog has consistent fresh content, your readers will come back again and again.

Promote Your Blog

Promoting your blog is very important and you’ll have to give it serious attention if you’re going to build a successful entertainment blog.

There are so many ways to promote your blog. Some are paid others are free.

For the paid promotions, one of the popular options is Google Ads. Where you have the resources, you can use Google Ads to promote your blog.

Google Ads is Google’s advertising system where advertisers bid (and pay) for keywords that will help them make their adverts appear on Google search results.

Joining the program gets your entertainment blogs promoted across Google Search results for some specific search keyword (s).

To get your blog even faster among the top entertainment blogs, you can do both Google and social media ads if you’re on a good budget.

As another aspect of paid promotion, you can pay to promote your entertainment blog on other popular blogs and websites.

For the free marketing, you can promote your blog and get it among popular entertainment blogs though building or back link, offline promotional events, user generated contents etc.

Evolve Growth System

One of the biggest growth hacks for building a successful blog in the entertainment niche is evolving a clear and repeatable system.

This system could be build around creating fresh and quality content regularly, building an engaging and loyal audience, solving your audience’s need or a blog promotion strategy that works etc.

If you look around, you’ll realize this is what successful entertainment bloggers do. Some will even update the news around the clock; evolve an audience that keeps their blogs engaging etc.

Being that you’re just new in the entertainment blogging niche, you might not be able to update your blog around the clock but you can aim to update a certain number of posts each day on the different categories of entertainment you’re writing about.

You can subscribe to Google news for entertainment information around the world or streamline it to the specific area you want to cover.


As you know, the entertainment blogging niche is populated now in Nigeria there are lot of competitors who know better than you know. So to stand out, as a newbie, there’s going to be something spectacular about you.

This is why besides consistent blogging and promotion, you’ll want to write some pretty exceptional content on your blog.

So not withstanding that entertaining news for instance is always similar, you can decide to make yours different.

So instead of copying posts from other website and updating them to your blog, you can decide to rewrite the text and add a fresh dimension to it.

Don’t get confused. Depending on your branding and audience, you can add fun to it, add more details, update the news with more pictures, funny memes or video, or even make it shorter.

All you want to do here is add a new perspective to what’s there in a way only you can do it. And also I want to clear you this very important notice it might sound somehow but its very important if you can follow it.

Do not focus on money first if you are into entertainment blogging because it will lead you known where. All you just need to do is to build your blog in a way you will be getting a lot of traffic on your site, one thing most of us don’t know is that traffic is the one makes you money so at the begging focus only on building and promotion your blog then money will follow, you will be surprise when top companies will contact that they want to place ads on your site, the ads they are going to place will earn you a lot of money. So focus on building as a newbie mostly people that are into music blogging.

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